
Tuesday, December 05, 2006


OK. so there is DMZ between South and North Korea...

that's the website where you can find more about DMZ. :]

and the question is... "Should the US encourge South Korea to defend itself?" Basically, if the US encourage South Korea to defend itself, the US troops from DMZ will leave South Korea. and the question you should ask yourself is... is it good if the US troops leave South Korea to defend itself?

If you say no... then you are believing that the US troops should stay in South Korea, because of all the reasons i've listed under the "NO" side...

and if you say yes.. then you agree that the US troops should leave South Korea because of all the reasons i've listed under the "YES" side.

'Yes' side
With the withdrawal of US troops from South Korea, invasion will be easier. Those imperialist Americans have acknowledged our military supremacy. US can focus its attention elsewhere, such as the war in Iraqi Stan, because things seem relatively peaceful between North and South Koreas. But, there are no news about conflicts between North and South Koreas. Sure NK says it has nukes, but they suck, and we have more, and their army is turn on legs. They have no air force, no navy, and a small army. Their only weapons that are capable of reaching here are their Taepodong-II’s, and they are off by KILOMETERS.

-But that was over 30 years ago. These days, NK is too concerned about nuking the US to focus on invading SK. Thats another reason we need to pull troops back to the homeland, in case they launch an invasion on us.

But you guys have a better economy, military, air force, and navy. In fact, the air force and navy are literally infinitely better than North Koreas, as they don’t even have them

'NO' side

To defend itself means that US is taking its support away from SK, This is bad because the withdrawal of US troops from SK will make invasion easier. We are getting nowhere with the war in Iraq. Our combat styles aren’t suited to fit within an urban environment and also comply with the no civilian casualties’ rule, which is pointless because thousands of civilians have died already. You say things are peaceful, but this may be a facade. Four tunnels dug out under the DMZ were leading to SK and were made by North Koreans. Ahem, and don’t forget the Axe Murder Incident in 1976, where North Korean soldiers who outnumbered SK killed two American soldiers, one with an axe and one with a karate chop.

But even the North Koreans are not total buffoons. They realize that they will need to reshape their military technology until it is sufficient to reach and destroy any part of America, and to do that, they’ll have to bide their time, stay in North Korea, and they might even test some of their stuff on us
That may be true, but North Korea is not willing to play by the Geneva Convention. You’ve already seen what they have done to us: kidnappings, murders, and the Korean Air disaster.

If you think it's confusing. ask me questions! :]